Medical exam complete but we have to update all blood work, TB test also needs to be updated and also a letter from the American Embassy needs updating. All documents have been cleared for approval and these last documents will allow our Dossier to be submitted in August. Normally it takes 2 months for a travel date. Our plans will be to travel to review Ellie's file and meet with her. Secure her and file for a court hearing. We will leave country and return for court, during Court hearing we will also be allowed to view Clyde's records and file for his Court Date. Praying we are able to waive the 30 days of waiting for Ellie if not when we return for Clyde's Court Hearing pickup Ellie and apply for Ellie's passport.. During Clyde's court hearing we will apply for the 30 days to be waived. If not we will have to make four trips which we had not planned. This means additional funds for Ellie's and Clyde's adoption SO far we have not sold any dinosaurs. I am not good at Fundraising it seems. But praying God will move mountains for these two children. Please again I as you share our journey, pray, advocate for other families adopting and donate when all possible.
IN 12 days it will be 5 years since our Gennie had passed from CF complications. It is hard during this time to focus with our hearts breaking. So many memories we cherished and so many we have lost. I know we will meet in Heaven again and I will wrap my arms around my baby girl and this time forever.. Gennie was such a sweet giggly little peanut. I miss her so..
If we do not raise the much needed funds it will delay travels and also the possibility of losing one of or both of the children. At age 5 years they are transferred normally into an adult setting where they remain till they age out. What a terrible way to celebrate being five years. NO birthday cake, no presents, no kindergarten or Mommas or a Poppa to love them both.
In my heart my children are the biggest joy. Watching them grow and see them flourish I have been truly blessed. Both Gary and I truly blessed..... Please again include each child our family in your prayers... God bless and thank you....
IN 12 days it will be 5 years since our Gennie had passed from CF complications. It is hard during this time to focus with our hearts breaking. So many memories we cherished and so many we have lost. I know we will meet in Heaven again and I will wrap my arms around my baby girl and this time forever.. Gennie was such a sweet giggly little peanut. I miss her so..
If we do not raise the much needed funds it will delay travels and also the possibility of losing one of or both of the children. At age 5 years they are transferred normally into an adult setting where they remain till they age out. What a terrible way to celebrate being five years. NO birthday cake, no presents, no kindergarten or Mommas or a Poppa to love them both.
In my heart my children are the biggest joy. Watching them grow and see them flourish I have been truly blessed. Both Gary and I truly blessed..... Please again include each child our family in your prayers... God bless and thank you....
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