The other day I received several Built A Bear Coupons. Since I was unable to go to the your age event I was able to on line receive coupons to print out.
Katya's Unicorn |
Jake a Puppy |
Each of the children today and a few of my grandchildren got their stuff bears and animals. After the 15 dollar coupon was deducted a few of the bears were free and some a dollar or two. So back to Built a Bear to purchase both Ellie and Clyde their very first Built A Bear. These we will bring to leave after our court hearing for their adoptions. So going back this weekend to chose each of them their very own Built A Bear. And letting the little ones all vote which one to get for Ellie and Clyde..
Poppy A Kitty |
WE decided to record their new names into each animal to tell them we love them in their language. We did this with Chrissie for her Gotcha Day.
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