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Notary and Medicals

Today we notarized the last of our documents.  Tomorrow a quick trip back to our doctors to get an updated medical exam.  Praying no more blood work... If all goes well it is off to the State's Commission Office and get all our documents apostilled.  Once this is done we can send off our Dossier with a friend who is traveling.  After tomorrow a long road trip and a few days to rest after the drive. 

Our FSP has been standing at the same amount.  Praying we are able to raise the funds to travel to meet our Ellie.  If not we will have to wait when we travel to meet Clyde and pray that  Ellie is still available.  Once a child reaches five years they are moved into an adult setting. Once this is done they remain until they exit out of the orphanage.  Sad to see that on your birthday your life will change forever.  Many of Ellie's friends have been adopted or either moved.  Please pray for her as we fight to get there in time.
Every dollar matters in adopting.  If possible could you share our journey and help us bring in the funds for Ellie. You can donate through our Pay pal link or through our FSP on Reece's Rainbow.  Again we thank you and Ellie thanks you..


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